Safeguarding Manual

To govern our commitment to ensuring a culture of safeguarding in our Chancery and Parish communities, we have developed policies and procedures that are complaint with legislation, standards, current research and national and international Church documents.

Within this broader context, the safety of all people is important while the safety of children and adults at risk is given paramount consideration. The following policies and guidance material provided in this Safeguarding Manual provides guidance on the expectations of workers, including clergy, leaders, employees and volunteers, when engaging or ministering to our communities.

They are publicly available to assist with identifying and responding to a safeguarding concern (a concern that a child or adult is at risk of harm or has been abused by another person). Some of the policies provided include our policies on our responsibilities for reporting to NSW Police, oversight bodies including the Department of Communities and Justice and the Office of the Children’s Guardian, and policies on sharing information with other Church Authorities to ensure the management of risks. We are transparent with our processes and use a consultative approach to drafting and reviewing policies and procedures. We welcome feedback and invite you to contact Safeguarding Broken Bay or complete the Safeguarding Contact Form.