Reporting abuse, redress, support

Reporting abuse

If you have concerns that a crime has occurred or that a person you know is a victim of abuse, a report can be made to the Police. If the concern relates to a child at risk, a report can be made to the Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ).

Police: For an emergency call 000. You can contact the NSW Police through your local police station or Crimestoppers NSW on 1800 333 000.

Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ): For an emergency, call 000. If a child is at risk of significant harm you can contact the Child Protection Helpline on 132 111.

The National Redress Scheme

The National Redress Scheme (the Scheme) was created in response to the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. The Scheme commenced on 1 July 2018 and will operate for 10 years. The Scheme acknowledges that many children were sexually abused in Australian institutions and seeks to hold institutions to account for this abuse and help people who have experience abuse to gain access to redress. The Scheme operates under the National Redress Scheme for Institutional Child Sexual Abuse Act 2018  The National Redress Scheme Brochure explains more about the Scheme.

Contact the National Redress Scheme

To find out more about your options or to connect with Redress Support Services, call 1800 737 377, available Monday to Friday from 8am to 5pm AET or visit the Scheme’s website.

Starting your Direct Personal Response

If you indicate your interest in a direct personal response in your acceptance documentation, you will receive the details for the Diocesan contact person.

Contact to  arrange your direct personal response when you feel ready to do so.

Avenues for Feedback for Direct Personal Response

The Direct Personal Response (DPR) is an opportunity for the Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay to demonstrate accountability to Survivors. The Diocese is committed to providing a trauma informed and Survivor focused approach to the DPR process. It is important to allow all relevant parties an avenue for honest feedback which will help us  ensure the process continues to be an effective and positive experience for the Survivor and ensure any concerns are addressed.

Feedback can be provided directly to the Diocese but we also encourage you to provide feedback or lodge any complaint directly with the National Redress Scheme via:

If you have a concern we welcome you to fill in the form below. Your concern will reach Safeguarding Broken Bay. A response will be provided promptly.

Or call 8379 1605 if you would like to speak to a Safeguarding Officer.